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Post Judgment Interest Rate

Interest Rates on Judgments in the Federal Courts 

Effective December 21, 2000, the post-judgment interest rate is the weekly average one-year constant maturity Treasury yield for the calendar week preceding the date of the entry of the judgment.  Rates for judgments entered prior to December 21, 2000, are based on the auction of 52 week T-bills.

The current interest rate is provided by the Federal Reserve and published each Monday for the prior week (unless Monday is a holiday, in which case the rate is published on the next business day).  The current rate may be found at the link below.  The rate is found in the table under the two columns headed “Week Ending.”  The two dates under those two columns refer to the Friday averages of the last two weeks.  Under those columns, go down to the “1-year” row under “U.S. government securities, Treasury constant maturities, Nominal.”  Follow that row to where it meets the “Week Ending” columns to find the rate to use for judgments entered during the two weeks listed.

Please visit the US Courts web page on Post Judgment  Interest Rates for more detailed information.  

Historical rates for judgments entered since December 21, 2000, may be found here.

Historical rates for judgments entered prior to December 21, 2000, are listed below.


From Till Rate
11/29/2000 2/22/2001 6.052
8/29/2000 11/28/2000 6.241
6/1/2000 8/29/2000 6.375
3/1/2000 5/31/2000 6.197
2/2/2000 2/29/2000 6.287
1/5/2000 2/1/2000 5.997
12/8/1999 1/4/2000 5.67
11/10/1999 12/7/1999 5.471
10/14/1999 11/9/1999 5.411
9/15/1999 10/13/1999 5.285
8/18/1999 9/14/1999 5.224
7/21/1999 8/17/1999 4.966
6/23/1999 7/20/1999 5.163
5/26/1999 6/22/1999 4.879
4/28/1999 5/25/1999 4.727
3/31/1999 4/27/1999 4.732
3/3/1999 3/30/1999 4.918
2/3/1999 3/2/1999 4.584
1/6/1999 2/2/1999 4.545
12/9/1998 1/5/1999 4.513
11/10/1998 12/8/1998 4.616
10/14/1998 11/9/1998 4.242
9/16/1998 10/13/1998 4.73
8/19/1998 9/15/1998 5.271
7/17/1998 8/18/1998 5.375
6/19/1998 7/16/1998 5.413
5/22/1998 6/18/1998 5.434
4/24/1998 5/21/1998 5.407
3/27/1998 4/23/1998 5.391
2/27/1998 3/26/1998 5.407
1/30/1998 2/26/1998 5.232
1/7/1998 1/29/1998 5.341
12/5/1997 1/6/1998 5.468
11/7/1997 12/4/1997 5.42
10/10/1997 11/6/1997 5.49
9/12/1997 10/9/1997 5.6
8/15/1997 9/11/1997 5.58
7/18/1997 8/14/1997 5.56
6/20/1997 7/17/1997 5.65
5/23/1997 6/19/1997 5.88
4/25/1997 5/22/1997 6.06
3/27/1997 4/24/1997 6
2/28/1997 3/26/1997 5.67
1/31/1997 2/27/1997 5.64
1/3/1997 1/30/1997 5.61
12/6/1996 1/2/1997 5.45
11/8/1996 12/5/1996 5.49
10/11/1996 11/7/1996 5.64
9/14/1996 10/10/1996 5.9
8/16/1996 9/13/1996 5.67
7/19/1996 8/15/1996 5.81
6/21/1996 7/18/1996 5.89
5/24/1996 6/20/1996 5.62
4/26/1996 5/23/1996 5.6
4/3/1996 4/25/1996 5.46
3/1/1996 4/2/1996 5.25
2/2/1996 2/29/1996 4.89
1/5/1996 2/1/1996 5.16
12/8/1995 1/4/1996 5.35
11/16/1995 12/7/1995 5.45
10/13/1995 11/15/1995 5.62
9/15/1995 10/12/1995 5.52
8/18/1995 9/14/1995 5.89
7/21/1995 8/17/1995 5.7
6/23/1995 7/20/1995 5.53
5/26/1995 6/22/1995 5.88
4/28/1995 5/25/1995 6.28
4/1/1995 4/27/1995 6.41
3/3/1995 3/30/1995 6.57
2/3/1995 3/2/1995 7.03
1/6/1995 2/2/1995 7.34
12/9/1994 1/5/1995 7.22
11/11/1994 12/8/1994 6.48
10/14/1994 11/10/1994 6.06
9/16/1994 10/13/1994 5.69
8/19/1994 9/15/1994 5.67
7/22/1994 8/18/1994 5.49
6/24/1994 7/21/1994 5.31
5/27/1994 6/23/1994 5.28
4/29/1994 5/26/1994 5.02
4/1/1994 4/28/1994 4.51
3/4/1994 3/31/1994 4.22
2/4/1994 3/3/1994 3.74
1/7/1994 2/3/1994 3.67
12/10/1993 1/6/1993 3.61
11/17/1993 12/9/1993 3.57
10/15/1993 11/16/1993 3.38
9/17/1993 10/14/1993 3.4
8/20/1993 9/16/1993 3.43
7/23/1993 8/19/1993 3.58
6/25/1993 7/22/1993 3.54
5/28/1993 6/24/1993 3.54
5/1/1993 5/27/1993 3.25
4/7/1993 4/30/1993 3.37
3/5/1993 4/6/1993 3.21
2/5/1993 3/4/1993 3.45
1/8/1993 2/4/1993 3.67
12/11/1992 1/7/1993 3.72
11/18/1992 12/10/1992 3.76
10/16/1992 11/17/1992 3.24
9/18/1992 10/15/1992 3.13
8/21/1992 9/17/1992 3.41
7/24/1992 8/20/1992 3.51
6/26/1992 7/23/1992 4.11
5/29/1992 6/25/1992 4.26
5/1/1992 5/28/1992 4.4
4/3/1992 4/30/1992 4.55
3/6/1992 4/2/1992 4.58
2/7/1992 3/5/1992 4.21
1/10/1992 2/6/1992 4.02
12/13/1991 1/9/1992 4.41
11/15/1991 12/12/1991 4.98
10/18/1991 11/14/1991 5.42
9/20/1991 10/17/1991 5.57
8/23/1991 9/19/1991 5.68
7/26/1991 8/22/1991 6.26
6/28/1991 7/25/1991 6.39
5/31/1991 6/27/1991 6.09
5/3/1991 5/30/1991 6.07
4/5/1991 5/2/1991 6.26
3/8/1991 4/4/1991 6.46
2/13/1991 3/7/1991 6.21
1/11/1991 2/12/1991 6.62
12/14/1990 1/10/1991 7.02
11/16/1990 12/13/1990 7.28
10/26/1990 11/15/1990 7.51
9/21/1990 10/25/1990 7.78
8/24/1990 9/20/1990 7.95
7/27/1990 8/23/1990 7.88
6/29/1990 7/26/1990 8.09
6/1/1990 6/28/1990 8.24
5/4/1990 5/31/1990 8.7
4/6/1990 5/3/1990 8.32
3/9/1990 4/5/1990 8.36
2/14/1990 3/8/1990 7.97
1/12/1990 2/13/1990 7.74
12/15/1989 1/11/1990 7.66
11/17/1989 12/14/1989 7.69
10/20/1989 11/16/1989 7.9
9/22/1989 10/19/1989 8.19
8/25/1989 9/21/1989 8.27
7/28/1989 8/24/1989 7.75
6/30/1989 7/27/1989 8.16
6/2/1989 6/29/1989 8.85
5/5/1989 6/1/1989 9.15
4/7/1989 5/4/1989 9.51
3/10/1989 4/6/1989 9.43
2/15/1989 3/9/1989 9.32
1/13/1989 2/14/1989 9.16
12/16/1988 1/12/1989 9.2
11/18/1988 12/15/1988 8.55
10/21/1988 11/17/1988 8.15
9/23/1988 10/20/1988 8.04
8/26/1988 9/22/1988 8.32
7/29/1988 8/25/1988 7.95
7/1/1988 7/28/1988 7.54
6/3/1988 6/30/1988 7.59
5/6/1988 6/2/1988 7.2
4/8/1988 5/5/1988 7.01
3/11/1988 4/7/1988 6.71
2/12/1988 3/10/1988 6.59
1/15/1988 2/11/1988 7.14
12/18/1987 1/14/1988 7.22
11/20/1987 12/17/1987 6.93
10/23/1987 11/19/1987 6.9
10/1/1987 10/22/1987 7.88
9/2/1987 9/30/1987 7.22
8/5/1987 9/1/1987 6.98
7/3/1987 8/4/1987 6.64
6/5/1987 7/2/1987 7
5/13/1987 6/4/1987 7.02
4/10/1987 5/12/1987 6.3
3/13/1987 4/9/1987 6.04
2/13/1987 3/12/1987 6.09
1/16/1987 2/12/1987 5.75
12/24/1986 1/15/1987 5.93
11/21/1986 12/23/1986 5.77
10/24/1986 11/20/1986 5.75
9/26/1986 10/23/1986 5.79
8/29/1986 9/25/1986 5.63
8/1/1986 8/28/1986 6.18
7/9/1986 7/31/1986 6.35
6/6/1986 7/8/1986 7.03
5/14/1986 6/5/1986 6.56
4/11/1986 5/13/1986 6.31
3/14/1986 4/10/1986 7.06
2/14/1986 3/13/1986 7.71
1/17/1986 2/13/1986 7.85
12/20/1985 1/16/1986 7.57
11/27/1985 12/19/1985 7.87
10/25/1985 11/26/1985 8.08
9/27/1985 10/24/1985 7.87
8/30/1985 9/26/1985 7.91
8/2/1985 8/29/1985 8.18
7/10/1985 8/1/1985 7.6
6/7/1985 7/9/1985 7.7
5/15/1985 6/6/1985 8.57
4/12/1985 5/14/1985 9.15
3/15/1985 4/11/1985 10.08
2/15/1985 3/14/1985 9.17
1/18/1985 2/14/1985 9.09
12/21/1984 1/17/1985 9.08
11/28/1984 12/20/1984 9.5
10/26/1984 11/27/1984 10.33
9/28/1984 10/25/1984 11.36
9/1/1984 9/27/1984 11.98
8/3/1984 8/30/1984 11.93
7/11/1984 8/2/1984 12.17
6/8/1984 7/10/1984 12.08
5/16/1984 6/7/1984 11.74
4/13/1984 5/15/1984 10.81
3/16/1984 4/12/1984 10.6
2/17/1984 3/15/1984 10.11
1/20/1984 2/16/1984 9.87
12/23/1983 1/19/1984 10.1
11/24/1983 12/22/1983 9.93
11/2/1983 11/23/1983 9.86
9/30/1983 11/1/1983 9.98
9/2/1983 9/29/1983 10.58
8/10/1983 9/1/1983 10.74
7/8/1983 8/9/1983 10.25
6/10/1983 7/7/1983 9.59
5/13/1983 6/9/1983 8.72
4/15/1983 5/12/1983 8.98
3/18/1983 4/14/1983 9.16
2/18/1983 3/17/1983 8.99
1/21/1983 2/17/1983 8.65
12/24/1982 1/20/1983 8.75
11/25/1982 12/23/1982 9.07
10/29/1982 11/24/1982 9.29
10/1/1982 10/28/1982 10.41
11/1/1981 9/30/1982 9